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Resume your session or take the survey to compare your answers.

Do you feel like you are the master of your own destiny?

What does it mean to be an adult today?

0 %
Not living with your parents any longer
0 %
Getting married and having children
0 %
Getting your first permanent job
0 %
Being mature and responsible
0 %
No longer being financially dependent on your parents
0 %
Finished education

The quantity of answers collected for this question is currently not significant enough for the statistics to be meaningful.

Results will be published soon.

How much money do your parents give you each month?

In comparison to people your own age, you would put yourself with...

Have you ever belonged to a political organisation?

Have you ever belonged to an NGO or a humanitarian organization?

Have you ever been involved in a sport-related organization?

Have you ever been involved in an arts-related organisation?

Have you ever been involved in an extra-curricular or extra-professional project?

Have you ever been involved in a local or community association?