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Do you feel European?

The quantity of answers collected for this question is currently not significant enough for the statistics to be meaningful.

Results will be published soon.

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To you, Europe is...
0 %
The only project for the future
0 %
A historical illusion
0 %
A necessary construction
0 %
A system of domination
0 %
Nothing more than the name of a continent

The quantity of answers collected for this question is currently not significant enough for the statistics to be meaningful.

Results will be published soon.

Do you feel you are most part of...
0 %
Your county
0 %
Your country
0 %
0 %
The world

The quantity of answers collected for this question is currently not significant enough for the statistics to be meaningful.

Results will be published soon.

Do you feel like you belong to a community that is uppermost defined by...
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
Sexual preference
0 %
0 %
I feel like I belong to the human race
0 %
Free democratic basic values
0 %
I feel like I don't belong to any community

The quantity of answers collected for this question is currently not significant enough for the statistics to be meaningful.

Results will be published soon.

What do you think about nationalism in Europe
0 %
It grows and I think that's a negative evolution
0 %
It grows and I think it's a positive evolution
0 %
I don't see a growth of nationalism

The quantity of answers collected for this question is currently not significant enough for the statistics to be meaningful.

Results will be published soon.

Do you have friends in another European country?
0 %
Yes, in one other country than mine
0 %
Yes, in at least two other countries than mine
0 %
No, I don't have friends from another European country!

The quantity of answers collected for this question is currently not significant enough for the statistics to be meaningful.

Results will be published soon.

To whom should we open our borders?
0 %
To refugees from war zones
0 %
To everyone
0 %
To migrants from developed countries
0 %
To migrants from developing countries
0 %
To quotas determined by job and country of origin
0 %
To well educated people from arround the world
0 %
To nobody

The quantity of answers collected for this question is currently not significant enough for the statistics to be meaningful.

Results will be published soon.

I have a problem with the size of the European Union
0 %
It's too small, we should integrate more countries
0 %
No, in fact, it's a good size
0 %
It's too big, some countries should leave us

The quantity of answers collected for this question is currently not significant enough for the statistics to be meaningful.

Results will be published soon.

Ireland should leave the European Union
0 %
I agree
0 %
I disagree
0 %
I don't care

The quantity of answers collected for this question is currently not significant enough for the statistics to be meaningful.

Results will be published soon.

In your opinion, which of the following is connected to the European Union
Cultural diversity

Shared values
More co-determination in the world
The Euro
None of these
Mobility in labour, travel and studies
Economic growth
Social security
More crime
Lack of control at the borders of Europe
Waste of money
Loss of cultural identity

The quantity of answers collected for this question is currently not significant enough for the statistics to be meaningful.

Results will be published soon.